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Newly built or remodeled modest single family home with green lawn and driveway

Getting The Best Price for Your House This Fall in Downey

Best Price for Your House

It goes without saying that you want to get the best price you can for your house, and you probably also want to sell it as quickly as possible. And if you’re not listing during the spring season, but instead during fall, that may seem like a tough job. But it can be done. First, consider calling on the expertise of a local, qualified real estate professional. Then just follow our tips for getting the best price for your house this fall in Downey.

Be Sure to De-Clutter

De-cluttering for getting the best price for your house this fall in Downey should seem obvious enough, but sometimes it just gets overlooked among all the other tasks involved in getting a house ready for sale. Still, if you want to get the best price for your house, you absolutely can’t neglect de-cluttering. And don’t just stuff all your clutter into the closets because you can bet buyers will look there, too. It may be a good idea to rent a storage unit for de-cluttering purposes.

Use Professional Staging

De-cluttering is important for getting the best price for your house this fall in Downey, but professional staging may be even more important. Professional staging services know exactly how to present your home in its best light so that it will appeal to buyers. Although professional staging may seem expensive, it’s really a bargain when you consider that it will likely lead to a higher sale price.

In addition to presenting your house so that buyers can envision as their own home, staging can also make your rooms seem larger. For example, when people enter a room, they nearly always view it in a scanning fashion from left to right. This means that the tallest, largest piece of furniture should go in the far left point with progressively smaller pieces following around the room.

Price Strategically

Pricing right may be the most important aspect of getting the best price for your house this fall in Downey – and ensuring a quick sale. And pricing right often means pricing strategically. Pricing at the lower end of your house’s value range will encourage multiple offers and competition among bidders, which will drive the price up. You should also make sure the price is within buyer parameters, especially for those using online sources to shop for houses.

Go with the Strongest Offer

It pays to keep in mind (for setting the best price for your house this fall in Downey) that the highest offer isn’t always the best offer. The best offer is usually the strongest offer – that is, an offer from a buyer who is more committed and actually likely to follow through. Your agent can sift through offers and vet them for you, thus helping you determine which offers are, in fact, the strongest.

Use a Local Agent

Getting the best price for your house this fall in [market city] means, in most cases, using a qualified local agent. A local agent can usually help you get better results. A local agent can help with optimum pricing because she’ll likely know about sales in the area/neighborhood that is in progress, but not yet on public record, and that will give you an edge over other sellers. A local agent will also have a thorough understanding of the local market for optimum pricing. But do make sure to research your agent beforehand, checking sales track records and whether the homes sold above or below the asking price.

Are you ready to sell a property in Downey? We can help! Send us a message or give us a call today! 562-881-9811

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